what is on 29 september 2023

what is on 29 september 2023

1 year ago 91

September 29, 2023, is a Friday and the 272nd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. Here are some events, observances, and holidays that are happening on this day:

  • Sukkot (Jewish Observance): September 29, 2023, is the first day of Sukkot, a Jewish holiday that lasts for seven days.

  • St. Michaels Feast Day: This is a Christian celebration based on the ancient Celtic calendar, honoring St. Michael, the archangel and overcomer of the Devil.

  • National Coffee Day: This is a day to celebrate coffee, the liquid magic that makes the world go round! .

  • Other observances and holidays: German Butterbrot Day, World Heart Day, National Attend Your Grandchild's Birth Day, National Starbucks Day, AFL Grand Final Friday, Confucius Day, International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste.

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