Oral tradition, also known as oral lore, is a form of human communication where knowledge, art, ideas, and cultural material are received, preserved, and transmitted orally from one generation to another. It is a vital and multifunctional means of verbal communication that supports diverse activities in diverse cultures. Oral tradition is not the same as testimony or oral history, which is the recording of personal memories and histories of those who experienced historical eras or events. Oral tradition is information, memories, and knowledge held in common by a group of people over many generations.
Oral tradition is distinct from the academic discipline of orality, which is defined as thought and its verbal expression in societies where the technologies of literacy (especially writing and print) are unfamiliar to most of the population. Oral tradition is rule-governed, uses special languages and performance arenas, and employs flexible patterns and structures that aid composition, retention, and reperformance. It assumes an active role for the audience and fulfills a clear and important function for the societies that maintain them.
Oral traditions can be categorized into different types, including legends, myths, folktales, and memorates. A memorate is an account of a personal experience or encounter with the supernatural, such as a ghost story or other expression of personal experience. Oral traditions and expressions are used to pass on knowledge, cultural and social values, and collective memory. They play a crucial part in keeping cultures alive.
Oral tradition is threatened by rapid urbanization, large-scale migration, industrialization, and environmental change. Modern mass media may significantly alter or over-replace traditional forms of oral expression. However, oral tradition often forms an important part of festive and cultural celebrations, and these events may need to be promoted and new contexts, such as storytelling festivals, encouraged to allow traditional creativity to find new expression.