what is orbs

what is orbs

1 year ago 50

Orbs can have different meanings depending on the context. Here are some possible explanations:

  • Paranormal orbs: According to some beliefs, orbs are transparent balls of light energy that are connected to spirits. They can be spotted in photos or even videos, and some people think they are manifestations of energy or ghosts. However, most orb pictures can be explained as dust, insects, mold spores, or pollen.

  • Astronomical orbs: In old astronomy, an orb referred to any of the concentric spheres surrounding the earth and carrying the celestial bodies in their revolutions. In modern astronomy, an orb can refer to a spherical celestial object.

  • Orbs blockchain: Orbs is a public blockchain infrastructure designed for mass usage applications and close integration with EVM-based L1s such as Ethereum.

In summary, orbs can refer to paranormal phenomena, astronomical objects, or blockchain technology.

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