Organizing in management is the process of establishing effective authority relationships among selected works, persons, and workplaces to ensure that a group can work together efficiently). It is the function of management that follows planning and involves the assignment of tasks, the grouping of tasks into departments, and the assignment of authority with adequate responsibility and allocation of resources across the organization to achieve common goals. Organizing is the second key management function, after planning, which coordinates human efforts, arranges resources, and incorporates the two in such a way that helps in the achievement of objectives.
The organizing function of management involves several steps, including the identification of activities, departmentally organizing the activities, and assigning tasks to specific individuals or groups. Organizing also involves developing an organizational structure that allows for the efficient execution of tasks to complete objectives and obtain goals. The structure of the organization is the framework within which effort is coordinated, and it is usually represented by an organization chart, which provides a graphic representation of the chain of command within an organization.
In summary, organizing in management is a crucial function that involves developing an organizational structure, allocating human resources, and coordinating efforts to ensure the accomplishment of objectives. It is a process that coordinates human efforts, assembles resources, and integrates both into a unified whole to be utilized for achieving specified objectives.