what is organizing

what is organizing

1 year ago 83

Organizing is a management function that involves coordinating human efforts, arranging resources, and incorporating the two in such a way that helps in the achievement of objectives. It is the process of combining all organizational resources and establishing productive relationships among them to achieve predetermined objectives effectively and efficiently. Organizing has the following characteristics:

  • Division of Labour: Work is assigned to the employee who is specialized in that work.
  • Coordination: Different members of the organization are given different tasks to perform, and when all the tasks are put together logically and sequentially, it results in the objectives, so coordination is required.
  • Structure: A structure is designed that distinguishes duties, responsibilities, and authorities.

Organizing involves a series of activities that a manager has to do, including identification of specific activities, grouping of activities into jobs, assignment of jobs to formal groups, and establishing a network of authority and responsibility. Organizing is the second most important function of management after planning.

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