what is oscillating electric dipole

what is oscillating electric dipole

1 year ago 118

An oscillating electric dipole is an electromagnetic phenomenon that occurs when an electric dipole is subjected to an electric field. When a dipole is at an angle θ to the field, the magnitude of the restoring torque on it is pE sin θ, where p is the dipole moment and E is the electric field. The equation of motion for the dipole is Iθ̈ = -pE sin θ, where I is the rotational inertia. For small angles, this equation can be approximated as Iθ̈ ≈ -pEθ, and the period of small oscillations is P = 2π√(I/pE) . An oscillating electric dipole generates an electromagnetic field that carries off the excited state energy, and the atom or molecule returns to the ground state. The electric field derivatives from curl(B) have been integrated with respect to time, and c^2 = 1/(μ0ε0) has been used to eliminate μ0. The fields generated by a point dipole fall naturally into two groups: the near fields and the far fields. An oscillating electric dipole is used to generate electromagnetic radiation.

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