what is ovary in plants

what is ovary in plants

1 year ago 41

In plants, the ovary is the enlarged basal portion of the pistil, which is the female organ of a flower. It contains ovules, which develop into seeds upon fertilization). The ovary itself will mature into a fruit, either dry or fleshy, enclosing the seeds. The ovules in the ovary are attached to the inner ovary walls by the placenta, which can be placed in various positions depending upon carpels and ovaries. The ovary can be classified into three types based on its position:

  • Superior Ovary: When the ovary is attached to the receptacle of the flower, above the other floral whorls, it is known as the superior ovary. Such ovaries are found in fleshy fruits such as berries and drupes. The flower that has a superior ovary is termed as hypogynous.

  • Half-inferior Ovary: When the ovary is embedded and surrounded by receptacles in the flower, it is known as half-inferior ovary. The flowers with half-inferior ovaries are called perigynous. This type of ovary can be seen in the family of Lythraceae in plants such as crape myrtles. In this type, the ovary is half above and half below the insertion point.

  • Inferior Ovary: When the ovary is present below the attachment point of other floral parts on the flower, it is called an inferior ovary. This type of ovary can be seen in pome fruits. The flowers which have an inferior ovary are termed as epigynous.

The ovary is an important part of the flowers reproductive system. During the process of fertilization, pollen lands on the stigma, a tube grows down the style and enters the ovary. Male reproductive cells travel down the tube and join with the ovule, fertilizing it. The fertilized ovule becomes the seed, and the ovary becomes the fruit.

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