Overpower Damage is a bonus damage mechanic in Diablo 4 that has a 3% chance of being applied to every attack. It is essentially another form of critical hit effect in the game, alongside Critical Strike and Lucky Hit. Overpower Damage is an additional damage type that gets added to your offensive skills, and it is based on a combination of your Life and Fortify stats. The chance for Overpower Damage to occur cannot be increased through stats, but certain skills can guarantee an Overpowered attack. The damage bonus of Overpowered attacks can be improved by increasing Willpower, and many pieces of gear offer increases too, as do certain Aspects. When a character’s attack Overpowers, the damage text appears in blue. Overpower Damage also stacks with the skill that triggered it by adding a base value of 50% of that skill damage on top. To maximize Overpower Damage, players can stay at full health, build up Fortified Life, trigger a guaranteed Overpower attack, and then use a skill that deals immense damage.