what is para military forces

what is para military forces

1 year ago 114

A paramilitary force is an organization whose structure, tactics, training, subculture, and often function are similar to those of a professional military, but which is not part of a countrys official or legitimate armed forces. Paramilitary units carry out duties that a countrys military or police forces are unable or unwilling to handle. They are usually equivalent to a light infantry or special forces in terms of strength, firepower, and organizational structure. Paramilitaries use military equipment, skills, and tactics that are compatible with their purpose, often combining them with skills from other relevant fields such as law enforcement or search and rescue. They rarely use extensive military equipment such as artillery and armed military aircraft. In peacetime, paramilitaries are often assigned to protect high-profile sites, such as government facilities, infrastructure, airports, seaports, or borders. They may also be tasked with roles of VIP protection or counterterrorism.

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