what is paramilitary force

what is paramilitary force

1 year ago 45

A paramilitary force is an organization whose structure, tactics, training, subculture, and often function are similar to those of a professional military, but which is not part of a countrys official or legitimate armed forces. Paramilitary units carry out duties that a countrys military or police forces are unable or unwilling to handle. They are usually equivalent to a light infantry or special forces in terms of strength, firepower, and organizational structure. Paramilitaries use "military" equipment such as long guns and armored personnel carriers.

It is important to note that paramilitary forces are not part of the official armed forces of a country, but they may be incorporated into a countrys combatant armed forces under the law of war. Some countries constitutions limit freedom of association by prohibiting paramilitary organizations outside government use. In most cases, there is no definition of paramilitary, and court decisions are responsible for defining that concept.

Examples of paramilitary forces include police tactical units, private armies, and guerrilla warfare groups. In India, the paramilitary forces refer to three organizations which include Assam Rifles, Special Frontier Force, and Indian Coast Guard.

In summary, a paramilitary force is an organization that operates like a military but is not part of a countrys official armed forces. They carry out duties that the military or police forces are unable or unwilling to handle.

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