what is pathos logos and ethos

what is pathos logos and ethos

1 year ago 39

Pathos, logos, and ethos are three modes of persuasion that are used to influence the thought and conduct of an audience. These concepts were first introduced by Aristotle in ancient Greece and are still relevant today. Here is a brief overview of each mode of persuasion:

  • Pathos: This refers to the appeal to emotion. The goal is to persuade an audience by eliciting some kind of emotional reaction. Pathos can be used to make the audience feel angry, sympathetic, or any other emotion that the author wants them to feel.

  • Logos: This refers to the appeal to reason. The goal is to persuade an audience by building up logical arguments. Logos involves using facts and logical reasoning to support an argument and persuade an audience.

  • Ethos: This refers to the appeal to credibility or authority. The goal is to persuade an audience by establishing the speakers status or authority. Ethos can be thought of as the role of the writer or speaker in the argument, and how credible their argument is.

These three modes of persuasion are often used together and are sometimes called the rhetorical triangle. They are central to rhetorical analysis, though a piece of rhetoric might not necessarily use all of them. By recognizing and incorporating these appeals, writers can create texts that appeal to readers on many different levels.

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