what is personality

what is personality

1 year ago 44

Personality refers to a persons unique patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. It encompasses a collection of interrelated behavioral, cognitive, and emotional patterns that are influenced by biological and environmental factors. These patterns are relatively stable over long periods of time, but they can change over the entire lifetime. While there is no generally agreed-upon definition of personality, most theories focus on motivation and psychological interactions with the environment one is surrounded by.

Various theories explain the structure and development of personality in different ways, but all agree that personality helps determine behavior. Trait-based personality theories, such as those defined by Raymond Cattell, define personality as traits that predict an individual's behavior. On the other hand, more behaviorally-based approaches define personality through learning and habits. Nevertheless, most theories view personality as relatively stable.

The study of the psychology of personality, called personality psychology, attempts to explain the tendencies that underlie differences in behavior. Psychologists have taken many approaches to studying personality, including trait theories, psychodynamic theories, humanistic theories, and social-cognitive theories.

In summary, personality is a complex and multifaceted concept that encompasses a person's unique patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. It is influenced by biological and environmental factors and is relatively stable over long periods of time. The study of personality attempts to explain the tendencies that underlie differences in behavior.

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