what is pilates workout

what is pilates workout

1 year ago 80

Pilates is a type of mind-body exercise developed in the early 20th century by German physical trainer Joseph Pilates, after whom it was named. It is a low-intensity muscle strengthening workout that can improve flexibility, mobility, and posture. Pilates involves precise moves and specific breathing techniques, and its not for you if you prefer a less structured program. Pilates is a whole-body exercise with an emphasis on core training, and it affects your stability, balance, and posture, facilitating everyday activities like bending down, twisting to grab something, lifting heavy objects, or even playing sports that require core strength. Pilates is customizable to fit you and your health goals, regardless of your age, sex, health status, and fitness level. Pilates classes typically take 45 minutes to an hour, but you can do fewer moves in less time. Pilates is not an aerobic exercise, so its recommended to do it a few days a week, in addition to cardio. Pilates has many potential health benefits, including increased flexibility, muscle tone, and strength.

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