Pitru Dosha is a concept in Hindu Vedic astrology that refers to the bad karma created by the ancestors with their wrongdoing while living in the past. It is not a curse of ancestors or forefathers, but a debt of the ancestors in their past life that is to be paid by the person having Pitru Dosha in their horoscope. In simple words, it is playing the karmic debts of the ancestors. The Sun is the karaka for the father in Hindu Vedic astrology, and if it is placed at the 9th or 9th house afflicted by natural malefic or Lagna malefic, Rahu conjunction with or nine the lord will be considered as Pitru Dosha. Pitru Dosha can be attributed to three major causes, including the failure of family members to adhere to the basic requirements of yearly rituals for their ancestors, failure to look after the aged people and leave them to fend for themselves, and the mistakes, crimes, or sins committed by the forefathers. The presence of Pitru Dosha in ones horoscope may bring about some inevitable and unexpected hardships in the natives life, such as lack of mental decisiveness and money, children falling sick frequently, quarrels among family members without any valid reason, and problems in conceiving a child. However, there are several remedies to mitigate the malefic effects of Pitru Dosha, including offering unconditional and unannounced services to parents, elderly needy persons, menial workers, poor people, and animals, contributing to the expenses of getting a poor girl married, donating money to a holy place such as a temple on Amavasya, and feeding balls of cooked rice and ghee to crows and fish every Saturday.