what is plasma used for

what is plasma used for

1 year ago 51

Plasma is used for various life-saving purposes, including the treatment of trauma, burn, and shock patients, as well as individuals with severe liver disease or multiple clotting factor deficiencies. It plays a critical role in maintaining blood pressure and volume, supplying essential proteins for blood clotting and immunity, carrying electrolytes to muscles, and helping to maintain a proper pH balance in the body. Additionally, plasma is used to create treatments for conditions such as immune deficiencies, bleeding disorders, brain disorders, liver disease, and rare diseases. It is also used in the treatment of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) and for various other conditions, including those related to the nervous system and autoimmune diseases. Plasma donations are crucial for treating rare diseases, chronic conditions, and trauma and burn victims, and the proteins extracted from plasma become therapies and medications to treat these conditions. Plasma is a vital component in the medical field, and its donations have a significant impact on improving and saving lives.

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