what is policy analysis

what is policy analysis

1 year ago 32

Policy analysis is a technique used in the public administration sub-field of political science to examine and evaluate the available options to implement policies. It is a critical concept in public administration that helps individuals develop, adopt, and implement policies that have the greatest benefits. Policy analysis can be divided into two major fields: analysis of existing policy, which is analytical and descriptive, and analysis for new policy, which is prescriptive.

The process of policy analysis involves identifying potential policy options that could address a problem and then comparing those options to choose the most effective, efficient, and feasible one. Policy analysis is important because it ensures that a systematic process is followed to choose the policy option that may be best for a situation.

Various approaches to policy analysis exist, and it is linked to two different traditions of policy analysis and research frameworks. Policy analysis aims to understand what is the governments focal point, investigate why and how governments issue policies, evaluate the potential outcomes of policies, and identify the most viable option.

In summary, policy analysis is a client-oriented advice relevant to public or private decisions and informed by social values. It is a process of identifying potential policy options that could address a problem and then comparing those options to choose the most effective, efficient, and feasible one. Policy analysis is important in modern complex societies, which typically have vast numbers of public policies and sophisticated and often interconnected challenges.

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