what is positive stress

what is positive stress

1 year ago 43

Positive stress, also known as eustress, is a type of stress that can have a beneficial effect on the body and mind. Unlike negative stress, which can lead to health problems and exhaustion, positive stress can motivate you to deal with a challenge or accomplish a task. Positive stressors are those that we perceive as opportunities that will lead to a good outcome, such as an upcoming wedding, the holidays, or pregnancy. Positive stress can also refer to the times you respond well to a challenge that you experience from a stressor, such as going rock climbing for the first time, hoping to get promoted at your job, and going on a first date. Positive stress is defined by the effects it produces, allowing us to live outside our comfort zones.

It is important to note that while positive stress can be beneficial, we need to find a healthy balance in our lives. Too much positive stress can still be overwhelming and lead to negative outcomes. Therefore, it is essential to identify what kind of stress we are experiencing and how to manage it to prioritize our well-being. Some ways to manage stress include exercise, meditation, and seeking help from a therapist or coach.

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