what is postgraduate

what is postgraduate

1 year ago 31

Postgraduate education refers to academic or professional degrees, certificates, diplomas, or other qualifications usually pursued by post-secondary students who have already completed an undergraduate degree. Postgraduate degrees are any degrees that are above a bachelors degree, including masters degrees or doctoral degrees. The main difference between undergraduate and postgraduate degrees is that undergraduate degrees refer to either a bachelor’s degree or an associate’s degree, while postgraduate degrees are any degrees that require an undergraduate degree as an admissions prerequisite.

Postgraduate degrees can be pursued for a variety of reasons, such as to move into academia and research or specialize in a career path. They tend to be more narrowly-focused than undergraduate degrees, allowing students to dive more deeply into their specific career interests and gain the knowledge and expertise needed in their chosen field. Postgraduate degrees can involve studying for qualifications such as postgraduate certificates and postgraduate diplomas, which are sometimes used as steps on the route to a degree, as part of the training for a specific career, or as a qualification in an area of study too narrow to warrant a full degree course.

In summary, postgraduate education refers to any academic or professional degrees, certificates, diplomas, or other qualifications pursued by post-secondary students who have already completed an undergraduate degree. Postgraduate degrees are any degrees that require an undergraduate degree as an admissions prerequisite, and they tend to be more narrowly-focused than undergraduate degrees.

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