what is powder puff in high school

what is powder puff in high school

1 year ago 31

Powderpuff is a traditional event in many high schools and universities in the United States and Canada). It is a football game that includes flag football or touch football games between girls from junior and senior classes or cross-town school rivals. Funds from the ticket and concession sales typically go to charity, the senior class, or to a dance). The term "powderpuff" originates from the powder puff, the soft material used for the application of cosmetic face powder).

In a traditional powderpuff game, senior and junior girls go head-to-head in a game of flag football, each team consisting of boys and girls from their respective class. Both teams have two practices leading up to the game where the girls practice their football skills and discuss strategies. Along with the girls’ football practices, the participating junior and senior boys also have cheer practice. There are two teams of cheerleaders, one for each class to support and cheer on their grade. The boys wear cheerleading uniforms to contribute to the fun nature of powderpuff and school spirit by cheering on the teams and performing at halftime.

Many high schools, including SBHS, use Powderpuff as an event to raise money for charity. The sport opposes gender roles commonly associated with the roles in a football game: the players and cheerleaders. The players must be girls, and the cheerleaders are comprised of an all-guys team. Powderpuff in SBHS isn’t just about the game: there is a whole process in getting to the event. The main part is the decorations and advertisements made to promote the fundraiser a few weeks prior. Decorations are done by the spirit squad and class councils to promote each class they represent.

Powderpuff has played a large role in gender equality in the past years. The first modern game was held in 1972, but the first game was recorded in 1945. Before being adopted to be known as powderpuff, the two teams were known as the “Townies and Dormies.” Although the name was changed, the rules and concept of the game remained the same. The game is a good chance for the girls to experience what it’s like for the boys on the field and for the boys to experience the sidelines and cheering.

However, some people argue that the term "powderpuff" carries heavily sexist connotations and implies that a woman’s place is not on the field but rather in front of the vanity, touching up her makeup. They argue that the purpose of Powder Puff is to laugh at the idea of what it would be like if gender roles were reversed, which not only instills said outdated roles but also diminishes women in the process.

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