Pradosham is a bimonthly occasion on the thirteenth day of every fortnight in the Hindu calendar. It is a time of spiritual awakening and is closely connected with the worship of the Hindu god Shiva. The word "Pradosham" means "removal of sins" and hence, this time window grants the opportunity to remove your karma or karmic energies that limit your potential in your current life. The Pradosha worship is done in the evening twilight or sandhya kala. The performance of the vrata involves a fast followed by a vigil. A bath is taken one hour before sunset and the deities Shiva, Parvati, their sons Ganesha and Kartikeya, and Nandi are worshipped. During Pradosham, praying to Lord Shiva and his mount, Nandi is considered very sacred. The festival idol of Shiva with his consort Parvati in a seated pose on Nandi is taken as a procession in the temple complex. The Pradosha story is read out after the formal worship is concluded.
Pradosham is believed to signify the spiritual awakening from the material enjoyment and comforts. It is when Lord Shiva drank the poison and saved all beings of the world from destruction. It is believed that when Shiva descends into the earth plane into the consciousness of people and gives them spiritual awareness, Pradosham liberates a person from an unconscious mind to a conscious and aware mind.
Pradosham is observed twice a month, during the 13th phase of the Moon, which is the 1.5 hours before sunset on the 13th Moon phase. The smaller energy level Pradosham occurs every day during this time window, while the middle energy level Pradosham occurs twice a month on the 13th day after a New Moon and a Full Moon. Larger energy level Pradosham occurs when one of the 13th moon days falls on a Saturday.
During Pradosham, there are several things that can be done to make the most of this time, including praying to Lord Shiva and his mount, Nandi, visiting a Shiva Powerspot, chanting mantras, performing ‘Somaskandha Pradhikshana’ around the temple, and offering milk, honey, curd, rose water, etc., for the hydration ceremonies of Lord Shiva and Nandhi.
In summary, Pradosham is a time of spiritual awakening and is closely connected with the worship of the Hindu god Shiva. It is observed twice a month and is believed to signify the spiritual awakening from the material enjoyment and comforts. During Pradosham, there are several things that can be done to make the most of this time, including praying to Lord Shiva and his mount, Nandi, visiting a Shiva Powerspot, chanting mantras, performing ‘Somaskandha Pradhikshana’ around the temple, and offering milk, honey, curd, rose water, etc., for the hydration ceremonies of Lord Shiva and Nandhi.