Preparation of soil is the first step before growing crops. It involves turning over and loosening the soil to allow plant roots to penetrate deeply. The process of soil preparation includes three primary steps: ploughing, levelling, and manuring.
Ploughing: This is the process of loosening and turning the soil to facilitate nutrient availability to the roots. Ploughing is done by a plough, hoe, or cultivator. It helps to remove weeds and other waste materials from the soil.
Levelling: After ploughing, the topsoil becomes loose. Levelling of soil is done through an implement called a leveller, which is a heavy wooden or iron plank. Levelling helps in the uniform distribution of water during the process of irrigation.
Manuring: Soil is prepared before sowing the seeds. The soil is loosened to increase the absorption of water and manures. Loosening of soil helps in the growth of earthworms and soil microorganisms. It allows the roots to penetrate deep into the soil and breathe easily. When soil is turned, plants get a fresh supply of nutrients which plants again absorb. Earthworms and soil microbes add humus to the soil and are farmer-friendly.
In summary, preparation of soil is an essential step in crop production and involves loosening and turning the soil to facilitate nutrient availability to the roots, uniform distribution of water during irrigation, and growth of earthworms and soil microorganisms.