what is prepay

what is prepay

10 months ago 24

Prepayment refers to the early repayment of a loan by a borrower, either in part or in full, often as a result of optional refinancing to take advantage of lower interest rates. This can be done to reduce interest payments through cheaper refinancing, which may be possible due to improved credit or lower market interest rates. Prepayment can also refer to paying for something in advance before receiving or using it, such as prepaying for school lunches or prepaying for a cell phone service. In the context of a mortgage-backed security (MBS), prepayment is perceived as a financial risk, as it can reduce the investors upside from credit and interest rate variability in an MBS. Prepayment can have implications for both individuals and organizations, and it is important to understand the terms and penalties associated with prepayment, as they can vary depending on the type of debt or obligation being settled.

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