In knitting, PSSO stands for "pass slipped stitch over." It is a technique used to decrease stitches and is commonly part of lace knitting patterns. When a pattern calls for PSSO, it means that you slip a stitch, knit the next stitch, and then pass the slipped stitch over the knitted stitch. This effectively decreases the number of stitches on the needle. PSSO is often used in combination with other actions to decrease stitches, such as "slip 1, knit 2 together, PSSO". It is important to note that PSSO is not the same as SSK (slip, slip, knit) or K2tog (knit two together). SSK is a left-leaning decrease, K2tog is a right-leaning decrease, while PSSO is effectively a single stitch bind off. PSSO is a fundamental technique in knitting, especially in lace patterns, and is used to create shaping and decorative effects in knitted fabric.