what is ptr in property tax

what is ptr in property tax

1 year ago 34

PTR in property tax can have different meanings depending on the context. Here are some possible meanings:

  • Property Tax Relief: PTR can stand for Property Tax Relief, which is a program that provides financial assistance to eligible homeowners who pay property taxes. For example, in New Jersey, the Property Tax Reimbursement (PTR) program is designed to reimburse eligible senior citizens and disabled persons for property tax increases.

  • Property Tax Reimbursement: PTR can also refer to Property Tax Reimbursement, which is a program that provides reimbursement to eligible homeowners who are elderly or disabled and have paid property taxes. This program is also known as the "Senior Freeze" program in some states.

  • RAC/PTR Surcharge: In the context of utility bills, PTR can refer to the RAC/PTR Surcharge, which is a charge that allows the utility company to recover the annual difference between projected revenues, production costs, and property taxes.

In summary, PTR in property tax can refer to different programs or charges depending on the context.

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