A Permit to Work (PTW) system is a formal documented system used to control high-risk, non-standardized activities. It is a process designed to authorize a certain group to perform a specific task at a designated place and time. The PTW system is a systematic process that sets out the precautions required to complete the work safely, based on a risk assessment. The PTW system is used in hazardous industries, such as process and nuclear plants, usually in high-risk work situations, which occur most commonly in industries like construction and manufacturing. The PTW system involves assessing the risks, establishing a method of communication between personnel involved in the work, and providing a record of procedures, precautions, and permissions. The PTW system is a critical component of managing high-risk work activities and part of a larger safety management system; Control to Work (COW) or Integrated Safe System of Work (ISSOW). The permit to work (PTW) is a written record identifying the work to be done and the potential hazards and precautions that need to be addressed. The people doing the job sign the permit to show that they understand the risks and precautions necessary. The PTW system is a means of coordinating different work activities to avoid conflicts. Its implementation usually involves the use of incompatible operations matrices to manage simultaneous operations (SIMOPS), thus preventing conflicting short-term activities of different workgroups that may present hazardous interference.