what is pulse secure

what is pulse secure

1 year ago 124

Pulse Secure is a company that provides secure access solutions to help make the workforce more productive. Their products enable enterprises to give employees, partners, and customers secure and controlled access to corporate data and applications, including file servers, web servers, and native applications. Pulse Connect Secure is one of their products, which is the most widely deployed SSL VPN for organizations of any size, across every major industry. It provides secure, authenticated access for remote and mobile users from any web-enabled device to corporate resources, anytime and anywhere. Pulse Connect Secure intermediates the data that flows between external users and the companys internal resources to provide robust security. It acts as a secure, Application Layer gateway intermediating all requests between the public Internet and internal corporate resources. All requests that enter the system are already encrypted by the end user's browser, using SSL/HTTPS 128-bit or 168-bit encryption. Pulse Secure also provides dynamic access management capabilities, where users pass through a pre-authentication assessment and are then dynamically mapped to the session role that combines established network, device, identity, and session policy settings. The Pulse Connect Secure gateway is the server component of a larger client-server solution, and Pulse Secure allows many different clients to provide an array of services to users.

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