The term "purge" has different meanings depending on the context. In history, religion, and political science, a purge refers to the removal or execution of people who are considered undesirable by those in power from a government, another organization, their team leaders, or society as a whole. In medicine, purging is a behavior associated with certain kinds of eating disorders, such as bulimia, anorexia, and OSFED (Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder). It is a behavior used to compensate for food intake to influence body weight or shape, and it can take different forms, such as self-induced vomiting, laxative/diuretics abuse, or excessive exercise. In general, to purge means to get rid of something unwanted or impure, to cleanse or purify. In politics, to purge means to rid a group or organization of unwanted people. The term "purge" is also associated with a series of horror films called "The Purge," which depicts a dystopian America in the near future where all crimes are legal for 12 hours a year.