what is raw

what is raw

1 year ago 37

The term "raw" can refer to different things depending on the context. Here are some possible meanings:

  • Raw image format: A camera raw image file contains unprocessed or minimally processed data from the image sensor of either a digital camera, a motion picture film scanner, or other image scanner. Raw files are so named because they are not yet processed, and contain large amounts of potentially redundant data. Normally, the image is processed by a raw converter, in a wide-gamut internal color space where precise adjustments can be made before conversion to a viewable file format such as JPEG or PNG for storage, printing, or further manipulation.

  • Not cooked: When referring to food, "raw" means that it has not been cooked.

  • Unprocessed or not refined: When referring to materials or data, "raw" means that it has not been processed or refined. For example, raw data is information that has been collected but has not yet been studied in detail.

  • Unprepared or imperfectly prepared: When referring to a person or a skill, "raw" means that they are not trained or experienced.

  • Unprotected or susceptible to hurt: When referring to a persons emotions, "raw" means that they are exposed and vulnerable.

  • Unabraded or chafed: When referring to a persons skin, "raw" means that it is sore or painful because of being rubbed or damaged.

  • Uncompressed and unprocessed image data: In photography, a RAW file is the uncompressed and unprocessed image data captured by a digital camera or scanners sensors. Shooting in RAW captures a high level of image detail, with large file sizes and lossless quality. The direct image data means you start with a high-quality image that can be edited, converted, and compressed in a non-destructive manner.

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