RCS Chat is a messaging protocol that provides an upgraded, rich messaging experience. It is a modern industry standard for messaging that offers features like typing indicators, inline replies, group chats, video calls, and photo and video sharing. RCS messaging works on all Android phones, and it can be used on Samsung phones with the Samsung Messages app. RCS messaging is a step up from regular texting, with features like encrypted messaging, enhanced media sharing, group chats, and real-time typing indicators. RCS messaging can be turned on manually in the settings of the Messages app, and it works over Wi-Fi and mobile data. RCS chats will be turned on only when all the participants in a conversation have RCS. RCS chats are provided by Google or your mobile carrier. To turn on RCS chats, you can follow these steps:
- On your device, open Messages.
- Tap your profile picture or icon and then Messages settings.
- Tap RCS chats.
If you cant find "RCS chats," you can tap Chat features.