what is rdx

what is rdx

1 year ago 84

RDX stands for Royal Demolition eXplosive, also known as cyclonite or hexogen. It is a white, odorless, and tasteless organic compound that is widely used as an explosive. RDX is classified as a nitroamine alongside HMX, which is a more energetic explosive than TNT. It is often used in mixtures with other explosives and plasticizers or phlegmatizers (desensitizers) . RDX is the explosive agent in C-4 plastic explosive and a key ingredient in Semtex. It is stable in storage and is considered one of the most energetic and brisant of the military high explosives, with a relative effectiveness factor of 1.60. RDX is produced by nitrolysis of hexamine with nitric acid. It is a synthetic product that does not occur naturally in the environment. Exposure to high amounts of RDX can affect the nervous system and produce seizures. RDX has been found in at least 31 of the 1,699 National Priorities List sites identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) .

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