what is rebuttal in debate

what is rebuttal in debate

1 year ago 86

Rebuttal is a crucial part of any debate where you respond to your opponents arguments and defend your own position. It consists of the arguments that your team raises in response to the arguments of your opposition. In a debate, the rebuttal is a speech where the speaker refutes and responds to arguments in their opponent's constructive speech. Rebuttals are generally included in the speeches of all speakers except for the first affirmative speaker. There are different ways to structure a rebuttal, including constructive disagreement with what someone else has said in a debate or discussion, pointing out logical flaws in the opponent's argument, showing that the argument does not work in reality, and pointing out that the argument is an assertion. The goal of a rebuttal is to show that your opponent's arguments are flawed and that your own position is stronger.

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