what is red ribbon week in schools

what is red ribbon week in schools

1 year ago 40

Red Ribbon Week is the oldest and largest drug prevention program in the United States, reaching millions of young people each year. It is held annually from October 23 to October 31 and is the largest drug-abuse prevention campaign in the country, targeting K-12 students. The Red Ribbon Campaign began in 1985 in response to the murder of DEA Agent Enrique Camarena, and it serves as a symbol of intolerance towards the use of drugs. The mission of the Red Ribbon Campaign is to present a unified and visible commitment towards the creation of a Drug-Free America.

During Red Ribbon Week, schools participate in a variety of ways to encourage students to make smart choices and live drug-free every day. Some activities include hosting special speakers, throwing contests, decorating school campuses, and more. Educators can use Red Ribbon Week as an opportunity to continue talking to students about the dangers of drugs and plan school-wide rallies. Schools can also organize essay contests, decorate the interior and exterior of the school, and encourage students to take the Red Ribbon Pledge.

The Red Ribbon Campaign serves as a catalyst to mobilize communities, educate youth, and encourage participation in drug prevention activities. It is an environmental strategy that goes beyond schools, churches, and other groups into the broader community. The campaign is designed to be an awareness campaign that gets information to the general public about the dangers of drug use and to create critical mass, which is necessary to reduce destructive social norms/behaviors and promote positive social norms/behaviors.

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