what is reflex arc class 10

what is reflex arc class 10

1 year ago 123

A reflex arc is a neural pathway that allows for an impulse to travel from a receptor organ via the central nervous system to the effector, resulting in a rapid and involuntary response to a stimulus. The reflex arc includes the following components:

  • Stimulus: The event or change in the environment that triggers the reflex.

  • Receptor: The specialized cell or group of cells that detect the stimulus and convert it into an electrical signal.

  • Sensory neuron: The nerve cell that carries the electrical signal from the receptor to the central nervous system.

  • Brain or spinal cord: The part of the central nervous system that receives and processes the sensory information.

  • Motor neuron: The nerve cell that carries the electrical signal from the central nervous system to the effector.

  • Effector: The muscle or gland that responds to the signal and produces the reflex action.

The reflex arc is the pathway of an impulse to the effector via the central nervous system, which includes a receptor, a sensory neuron, a motor neuron, brain and spinal cord, and an effector. In a reflex action, the signals do not route to the brain, but instead, they are directed into the synapse in the spinal cord, resulting in an almost instantaneous reaction. Reflex arcs are important for ensuring the survival of organisms, as they enable quick reactions to certain situations where an organisms life could be at stake.

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