what is reformation day

what is reformation day

1 year ago 44

Reformation Day is a Protestant religious holiday celebrated on October 31st to commemorate the day German monk Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-Five Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Church in 1517, which is considered the official starting point of the Protestant Reformation. Luthers act provoked a debate that culminated in the church finding its way back to Gods Word as the only supreme authority for faith and life and leading the church back to the glorious doctrines of justification by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. The impact of Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation has been enormous on global Christianity. The Reformation Luther led also sparked the Anabaptist (free church) movement and the English Reformation, which influenced the spread of Christianity to the Americas and throughout the world where European... .

Reformation Day is celebrated by Protestants worldwide, and Luthers legacy lives on in the creeds and confessions of Protestant bodies worldwide. Within the Lutheran tradition, Reformation Day is considered a lesser holiday and is officially named “The Festival of the Reformation.” Most Lutheran churches (and others who celebrate this day) commemorate it on the Sunday prior to October 31st. Reformation Day gives us a chance to tell our story, remember the most important things, and return to the core of our faith: God loved us first, and God continues to shower us with grace and mercy.

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