what is regeneration

what is regeneration

1 year ago 70

Regeneration is the natural process of replacing or restoring damaged or missing cells, tissues, organs, and even entire body parts to full function in plants and animals. It can happen in many different ways using pluripotent or tissue-specific stem cells, and some regeneration happens without stem cells at all. Regeneration can be used in medicine to treat a variety of injuries and diseases, and researchers are studying it for its potential uses in regenerative medicine.

Regeneration is also a term used in the Bible to describe the spiritual renewal or revival of a person. According to the Bible, regeneration is Gods making a person spiritually alive, as a result of faith in Jesus Christ. Prior to salvation, a person is not considered Gods child.

Studying regeneration in other species can help scientists understand how the human body heals and repairs itself, which could lead to the development of regenerative medicines to help the human body more fully heal.

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