what is religious education

what is religious education

1 year ago 31

Religious education is the teaching of a particular religion and its various aspects, such as beliefs, doctrines, rituals, customs, rites, and personal roles. It is a subject taught at primary and secondary levels that aims to develop childrens understanding of the worlds religions. In some denominations of Christianity, catechesis refers to the religious instruction of children and adult converts.

There are two concepts of religious education: education in religion and education about religion. The former is a religious activity designed to nurture young people in a particular faith, while the latter aims to develop childrens knowledge and understanding of religion while leaving them free to choose their own path in life.

Religious education is a contentious topic in many countries. Some nations, including the United States, neither publicly support religious education nor include religion in the curriculum. In other contexts, such as the United Kingdom, an open religious education has emerged from Christian confessionalism that is intended to promote religious literacy without imparting a particular religious perspective.

Candler School of Theology at Emory University offers a Certificate in Religious Education that prepares persons for ministries related to teaching and learning in faith communities, schools, and the wider society. Students who complete courses in religious education will be able to develop educational leadership in congregations, schools, and communities in the context of our diverse and changing world.

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