what is remind app

what is remind app

1 year ago 121

Remind is a communication platform that helps educators reach students and parents where they are. It is a website and app that acts as a communication platform for teachers to send messages to multiple recipients at once. Remind allows teachers to send messages in real-time to an entire class, sub-groups, or individual students. It also allows for students and parents to reply, but this feature can be turned off if a teacher deems it necessary. Remind keeps personal contact information private and translates messages into more than 90 languages. It also allows teachers to share files, photos, and content from their favorite sites. Remind is designed with students and their safety in mind. It is a free, safe messaging app that keeps families up to date with whats happening in the classroom. Remind was founded in 2011 by brothers Brett Kopf and David Kopf, and as of 2022, it has nearly 30 million users in 80% of US schools.

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