what is residence address

what is residence address

1 year ago 38

A residence address is the physical address where a person lives or resides. It is the address that you would give to friends and family members who are hoping to visit you, and the address you would punch into your GPS unit. A full residential address usually includes the house or apartment number, the street name, the name of the city or town, the state you’re located in, and the postal code. It is important to note that a residence address may not be a Post Office Box, except for qualified participants under the Safe At Home Act.

A residence address is different from a mailing address. A mailing address is the place where you would like to receive your mail, which can be a post office, any other location, or even the same place as your permanent address. In some circumstances, putting down your residential address instead of your mailing address can cause issues with mail delivery.

In summary, a residence address is the physical address where a person lives or resides, while a mailing address is the place where a person would like to receive their mail.

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