what is respite care

what is respite care

1 year ago 38

Respite care is a type of temporary care provided to primary caregivers of a child or adult who need a break from their caregiving responsibilities. It can be planned or emergency care and can be arranged for just an afternoon or for several days or weeks. Respite care can take place in the home, at a healthcare facility, or at an adult day center. There are various models for providing respite care, including in-home respite services, which provide intermittent or regularly scheduled temporary non-medical care and/or in-home supervision.

Respite care is also a family support service and is considered a long-term services and support (LTSS) in the US. It is a way for caregivers to take a break from their caregiving responsibilities and attend to their own needs, such as rest, relaxation, appointments, work, or exercise. Respite care can benefit the person being cared for as well, providing them with variety, stimulation, and a welcome change of routine.

Respite care services charge by the hour or by the number of days or weeks that services are provided, and most insurance plans do not cover these costs. However, Medicare will cover most of the cost of up to 5 days in a row of respite care in a hospital or skilled nursing facility for a person receiving hospice care, and Medicaid may also offer assistance.

Finding respite care services can be done through the ARCH National Respite Locator Service, which can help locate services in the community. The Well Spouse Association also offers support to the wives, husbands, and partners of chronically ill or disabled people and has a nationwide listing of local support groups.

In summary, respite care is a temporary care service provided to primary caregivers of a child or adult who need a break from their caregiving responsibilities. It can be arranged for just an afternoon or for several days or weeks and can take place in the home, at a healthcare facility, or at an adult day center. Respite care can benefit both the caregiver and the person being cared for, and finding respite care services can be done through various organizations.

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