Return demonstration is a teaching method used in nursing education to assess a students ability to perform a specific nursing procedure or skill. It is usually conducted in a skills laboratory class where the professor will show and explain how to do a specific nursing procedure or skill, and then guide the students in performing that procedure during class. Once the students are equipped with the skill, they are asked to perform it in front of the professor to demonstrate their competency.
Return demonstration is an essential component of the nursing practice that paves the way for student nurses to gain knowledge of the nursing procedures. It helps to develop students psychomotor skills and confidence in delivering care to their patients. It also serves as advance training before they will be exposed to the hospital area, and because of this, the attributes of the student nurse are developed, such as organization, orderliness, and prioritizing the needs of the patient through making a "Nursing Care Plan" for the client.
Return demonstration can be used to teach a variety of nursing skills, including taking vital signs, conducting a history taking interview, and administering medications. It is an effective teaching method that allows students to apply what they have learned in real situations and exercise the procedure practice in the laboratory.