Revival in the Bible refers to a spiritual reawakening from a state of dormancy or stagnation in the life of a believer. It is a concentrated work of God where Christians in various churches earnestly desire more of Christ, boldness in witness, purity of life, and renewed commitment to missions. Revival is a re-awakening of spiritual fervor, a revitalization of the spiritual ardor of oneself or a group of believers, and a restoration to spiritual vigor. The word "revival" combines two Latin words, "vivo," meaning to live, and "re" meaning again, and its like a rebirth or a re-awakening, an invigorating experience where the Holy Spirit moves freely among believers, setting their hearts on fire for the Lord.
Revival generally involves the resurfacing of a love for God, an appreciation of Gods holiness, a passion for His Word and His church, a convicting awareness of personal and corporate sin, a spirit of humility, and a desire for repentance and growth in righteousness. It invigorates and sometimes deepens a believers faith, opening his or her eyes to the truth in a fresh, new way. Revival is initiated by a prompting of the Holy Spirit, creating an awareness of something missing or wrong in the believers life that can only be righted by God. In turn, the Christian must respond from the heart, acknowledging his or her need.
Revivals can look different, and people might pray individually or together at a revival, or begin to sing, dance, or otherwise express joy as they worship God. Repentance of sin is a huge theme, as people become painfully aware of the separation between themselves and God and desperately desire to renew their connection and become holy once more. Powerful evangelism occurs, as does reconciliation and forgiveness. In the New Testament, a great revival resulted from John the Baptists preaching in the wilderness as he paved the way for Jesus. Revival occurred under Jesus and his disciples as he taught and performed miracles. Revivals blossomed among early Christians, such as the revival in Samaria under Philip, in Caesarea under Peter, and throughout Pauls missionary journeys.
In summary, revival in the Bible refers to a spiritual reawakening from a state of dormancy or stagnation in the life of a believer. It is a concentrated work of God where Christians earnestly desire more of Christ, boldness in witness, purity of life, and renewed commitment to missions. Revival is a re-awakening of spiritual fervor, a revitalization of the spiritual ardor of oneself or a group of believers, and a restoration to spiritual vigor. Revivals can look different, and repentance of sin is a huge theme, as people become painfully aware of the separation between themselves and God and desperately desire to renew their connection and become holy once more.