Rhema is a Greek word that is often translated as "word" and refers to spoken words or a saying. In the New Testament, there are two Greek words often translated as "word" in English. Logos often refers to the actual writings of Scripture or to Christ Himself, while rhema refers to spoken words or a saying. Rhema is used in Luke 5:5 when Simon Peter answered Jesus, "Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word .
In some Christian groups, especially those advocating the Five-Fold ministry, the term rhema has special significance). Rhema is defined as "any method God uses to reveal His specific will to an individual, whether by divinely directed desire, illumination, revelation, vision, or dream"). It is "an inspired Word birthed within your own spirit, a whisper from the Holy Spirit like the still, small voice that spoke to Elijah in the cave"). Rhema is considered to be "that timely, Holy Spirit-inspired Word from the Logos that brings life, power, and faith to perform and fulfil it...).
Charismatic and non-charismatic Christians have different views regarding rhema and how it should be understood. Some charismatics view rhema as the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to them at the present moment, guiding them through inner feelings, impressions, and experiences. Evangelical Christians, however, believe that rhema is essentially synonymous with logos, and that the specific guidance we receive from the Holy Spirit at any given time can only be discerned by the general principles laid down in the Bible. The test of the authenticity of a rhema from God is how it compares to the whole of Scripture.