what is rheostat class 10

what is rheostat class 10

1 year ago 45

A rheostat is a variable resistor that can be used to control the flow of electric current by raising or reducing its resistance. It is an electrical device that is used in many applications that require changing the current or resistance in an electric circuit. The term "rheostat" was coined by Sir Charles, an English scientist, from the Greek words "rheos" and "status," meaning a current-controlling device.

The construction of a rheostat is similar to that of a potentiometer, with three terminals and two connections. The three terminals of the rheostat are denoted as A, B, and C. Either A and B terminals or B and C terminals are used. In the above figure, A and C are fixed and are connected towards the track which is known as the resistive element. Terminal B is uneven and is connected to the slider. As the wiper moves along the resistive element over the resistive path, the resistance of the rheostat changes.

Rheostats have two terminals, one for the wiper and the other for one end of the resistance track. They are used to increase or decrease the loudness of a radio and to increase or decrease the speed of an electric motor. They are also used when a large current is required but a high voltage isnt. Switching electronics are used to replace them in power control applications.

In summary, a rheostat is a variable resistor that can be used to control the flow of electric current by raising or reducing its resistance. It is used in many applications that require changing the current or resistance in an electric circuit.

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