Rhodiola rosea is a perennial flowering plant that grows naturally in wild Arctic regions of Europe, Asia, and North America. It has a long history of medicinal use in Russia, Scandinavia, and other parts of Europe. Rhodiola is considered an adaptogen, which is a natural substance that increases the bodys resistance to stress in non-specific ways. It is used to promote good health, strength, endurance, and physical and mental performance. Rhodiola extract might help protect cells from damage and regulate heartbeat. People use rhodiola for fatigue, anxiety, depression, stress, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support any of these uses. Some preliminary research has been done on rhodiola and its components, but few rigorous studies of this herb have been done in people. Rhodiola has been used safely in studies lasting 6 to 12 weeks, but possible side effects include dizziness and either dry mouth or excessive saliva production.