what is routing number

what is routing number

1 year ago 80

A routing number is a nine-digit code used by financial institutions in the United States to identify other financial institutions. It is printed on the bottom of checks and is used to identify the financial institution on which the check was drawn. The American Bankers Association (ABA) developed the system in 1910 to facilitate the sorting, bundling, and delivering of paper checks to the drawers (check writers) bank for debit to the drawers account. The routing number is also used in electronic payment methods to identify the paying bank or other financial institution. The Federal Reserve Bank uses routing numbers in processing Fedwire funds transfers, and the ACH Network uses them in processing direct deposits, bill payments, and other automated money transfers. Routing numbers are assigned by the Official Routing Number Registrar, currently Accuity, which is responsible for managing the ABA routing number system. To find your routing number, you can check the bottom of your checks, log into your account and select the desired account, or use your banks mobile app.

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