what is saddle hunting

what is saddle hunting

1 year ago 40

Saddle hunting is a technique of deer hunting from an elevated position using a hunting saddle. The saddle is essentially a sling/swing/seat that anchors to the tree via a tether rope. Basic tools include the saddle, lineman’s belt, tether rope, climbing method (sticks, steps, or ladder), and a platform to stand on once you’ve climbed to your desired hunting height. Saddle hunting has been around for over 30 years and is now making its way into the mainstream hunting culture.

Some benefits of hunting from a saddle include:

  • Lightweight: Saddle hunting is a much lighter option when compared to hunting from a treestand. Some of the lighter treestands on the market today weigh in at 13 pounds, compared to a saddle/platform weight of about 5 pounds.
  • Mobility: Saddle hunting is the ultimate run-n-gun setup for staying with the action when hunting white-tailed deer. With the saddle, you can quickly and easily move stand locations, making hang-n-hunt maneuvers throughout the day.
  • Comfort: How comfortable your saddle hunting setup is will be dependent on the gear that you choose to hunt with. There are a variety of tree saddles, saddle hunting platforms, and climbing sticks that make your experience as comfortable as possible.

Climbing methods are not specific to saddle hunting. All hunters who choose to hunt from an elevated position must first climb a tree. There are a lot of options for climbing trees, from inexpensive stick ladders to portable climbing sticks, screw-in steps, and many others.

Saddle hunting is a whole new ballgame compared to hunting from a tree stand, so don’t expect to immediately be comfortable in the saddle. It takes some time to get used to it, and its important to practice climbing trees and getting set up before the hunting season starts. Despite all the benefits of hunting from a saddle, it does have its limitations, and its important to be aware of them to stay safe while hunting.

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