what is safeguarding in schools

what is safeguarding in schools

1 year ago 40

Safeguarding in schools refers to the policies, procedures, and practices employed to actively prevent harm, abuse, and distress to children while they are in school. The goal of safeguarding is to create and maintain a safe learning environment that is child-focused and community-driven through sustained and meaningful engagement with children, their families, communities, and all representatives.

Safeguarding in schools involves:

  • Identifying children who are suffering from or may be at risk of harm: School staff should be trained to identify the warning signs of any abuse or harm to children and take suitable action.
  • Creating a safe learning environment: Schools should create a safe learning environment that is free from harm and abuse.
  • Implementing policies, procedures, and training consistently across the school: Schools should have specific policies and procedures in place to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. All school staff should be trained to carry out their safeguarding duties, and there should be a designated safeguarding lead available at all times.
  • Working in partnership with children, their families, and carers and outside agencies: Schools should work in partnership with children, their families, and carers, as well as outside agencies such as childrens social care, to ensure that every child is protected from harm.

Effective safeguarding in schools is crucial for protecting children from harm and abuse and for ensuring that they can grow, learn, and flourish without fear of abuse or neglect.

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