what is salafi in islam

what is salafi in islam

1 year ago 35

Salafism is a revival movement within Sunni Islam that emphasizes looking up to the era of the Salaf al-Salih, who were the early three generations of Muslims that succeeded Prophet Muhammad. Salafis believe that the faith and practices of Salaf al-Salih are virtuous and exemplary, and they attempt to recreate a ‘golden age’ and revive a pristine version of Islam, stripped of all later accretions, including the four schools of law as well as popular Sufism. The term "Salafism" comes from al-salaf al-sālih, which refers to the first three generations of Muslims, according to a tradition of the Prophet. The most central aspect of the Salafi creed is tawhīd, which signifies much more than just "monotheism" and implies three different dimensions. Salafism is not a distinct branch of Islam but an intellectual current of Sunni Islam. Salafis are first and foremost religious and social reformers engaged in creating and reproducing particular forms of authority and identity, both personal and communal. They define their reformist project first and foremost through creedal tenets (i.e., a theology). Salafism is not a political ideology, but some Salafis are politically active and have engaged in electoral politics and even formed political parties. Salafism is not inherently violent, and the vast majority of self-described Salafis are explicitly anti-violence.

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