what is saptapadi in hindu marriage

what is saptapadi in hindu marriage

1 year ago 39

Saptapadi is a significant rite of a Hindu wedding ceremony, which refers to the seven steps a couple takes together during their marriage ceremony. It is regarded as the most important rite of a Hindu wedding ceremony and is performed after tying the sacred knot known as the mangalasutra. The couple takes seven steps together, during which the marriage is solemnized. After the seventh step is taken, the marriage of the couple is regarded to be irrevocable. The saptapadi is an ancient ritual that dates back to the Vedic period. The circumambulation of the sacred altar of fire is a rite that is performed differently in various regions of South Asia. In some regions, the couple walks around the altar seven times, while in other regions, the couple takes seven steps to complete a single circumambulation. At each step or circuit, the couple may also take various vows, the content of which varies from region to region. The seven vows of marriage are witnessed by the agni or holy fire and all the near and dear ones of the couple. The seven vows are believed to provide a foundation around which strong and eternal relationships are built. The seven principles and promises made by the couple during the exchange of vows are represented by each of the seven steps or pheres. The couple is tied together with chunis or dupattas from the ritual of Granthi Bandhanam that is used to keep the couple united as they make their rounds. After the couple has made the seven rounds, they seek blessings from Lord Vishnu, the preserver, and Lakhsmi, the goddess of wealth. It is said that the couple has tied themselves together for seven lifetimes to come once this part of the ceremony is finished.

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