Scrap meat is a by-product of meat-packing made of bits and trimmings of meat freed from fat, dehydrated, and reduced to a meal and used as a rich source of protein. It is primarily beef but may contain pork, lamb, and/or veal. Scrap meat is produced at the butchery table and is used to make other foods at the campfire and butchery table. There are many ways to use meat scraps in the kitchen, such as making stocks, sauces, or adding them to your favorite recipes. Chicken skin and prosciutto ends are inexpensive ways to add flavor to dishes. Meat scraps can also be used to make homemade broth, which can be used in soups, stews, or sauces, or simply enjoyed on its own. However, it is important to note that not all butchers are allowed to sell meat scraps, and it is necessary to check the laws where you live.